Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Focus on Leadership Skills - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Why Focus on Leadership Skills - Introvert Whisperer Why Focus on Leadership Skills? You may have noticed I have a focus on Leadership and I think many people think that means I only work with executives and managers.   I can understand the implication but there’s a bigger purpose for that focus which directly affects you â€" in a very big way. I focus on Leadership skills for two VERY important reasons: Exhibiting leadership skills is the fastest path to promotions â€" regardless of your position, level or career aspirations. Leadership is sorely needed in every group and is in seriously short supply. That’s why there are so many poor managers out there making life miserable for their subordinates. If you think about both of those goals it amounts to more pay, greater success and career satisfaction.   Who wouldn’t want those things?   We all do! Some people think getting a promotion is primarily a factor of time.   If you do your job long enough you will get more pay and a high position.   I won’t kid you; it is a factor as statistics reflect it even in businesses that have what they consider a meritocracy (pay for performance).   However, for those rare few people that demonstrate leadership skills, they accelerate the process of promotion. Why is promotion accelerated for people with leadership skills?   That type of person becomes a clear stand out in an ocean of “mediocre” co-workers.   In my 21 years managing at Intel and 9 years as a coach, I’ve observed that very little is different from one group to the next.   Very few people do anything to distinguish them from the others.   Most people perform the job and contribute little more than what I would call the “minimum” to get by.   Yes, most people want to think they are rock stars but rarely do anything to ensure they are. What I’ve said might sound negative or insulting but mostly it’s just a fact of life.   Its how “most people are most of the time”.   The good news is that with very little extra effort, you can be a standout rock star that managers dream of having in their midst.   You will make yourself easy to promote because you are doing things that are more than the bare minimum.   You are the dream employee and for that you will get richly rewarded. Hopefully, I’ve made my case.   Even if you have no aspirations of leading the charge, we all have times when we have to step up and be a leader.   Why not capitalize on leadership skills and give you paycheck and level a “lift”? Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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